We utilize the State-approved, Creative Curriculum®, which is an evidenced-based learning curriculum for children from birth through age 5. It is used to write lesson plans, objectives and assessments for our classrooms and to set standards for our portfolios.
The Creative Curriculum® for Infants & Waddlers has routines and experiences that guide the child through learning. Our routines and experiences structure each day so that children develop a secure attachment with the important people in their lives. The responsive care and teaching help children gain confidence in themselves as learners.
The Creative Curriculum® for Toddler - Pre-Kindergarten is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop their creativity and lifelong critical-thinking skills. The program is divided into ten “studies” that comprise a child-led discovery. Through these “studies,” the children will learn social, emotional, fine/gross motor and problem-solving skills.
In addition to the Creative Curriculum there are multiple enrichment programs included in tuition with hands on learning activities.
Summer camp runs for ten weeks with numerous educational and fun activities. Two field trips and water play are included in the summer program. In addition, special visitors will visit the Center to bring new experiences and excitement to our days. Visitors include, Cedar Run Wildlife Reserve, Bubble Parties, Pony Rides, Kona Ice, Big Foot Soccer, Character Parties, and more!
Teaching Strategies GOLD® is an authentic, ongoing observational system for assessing children from birth through kindergarten; helping teachers focus on what matters most for school readiness. GOLD® helps teachers plan for each child and ensure that every child is making progress. We know how important these early years are to children’s success in school and in life. Like you, we want to do everything we can to give your child a strong foundation for lifelong learning.
We are a proud participant in New Jersey’s Quality Rating Improvement System, Grow NJ Kids. We were only the second school to be rated in NJ! Research shows that children who are in quality child care and early learning programs when they are young are better prepared for Kindergarten with better reading and math skills and larger vocabularies.
Brightwheel is a parent communication tool. Quality of early childhood development is dependent on the connection between parents and their child's caregivers. This tool allows teachers to keep parents informed of their child’s day, including activity reports, learning activities, special reminders, photos and online billing.
ABCmouse.com is an online-based learning tool. The comprehensive curriculum includes language development, reading, math, science and technology, social studies, and health. Our Pre-K students are given an opportunity to use ABCmouse.com at school and we also offer Pre-K and Preschool families online access to be used at home.
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